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Our Stories
Helen's Haven Admin
5 min read
Cosmo the Christmas Miracle
Cosmo came into our lives in the fall of 2011. His owners were moving and had just decided to “leave him behind.” According to the owner,...
Helen's Haven Admin
4 min read
Rescue Stories - Take a Chance (Part 3)
And his story continues.... One evening we found Chance sitting in his litter box crying. This is never a good thing, and it can indicate...
Helen's Haven Admin
5 min read
Rescue Stories - A Second Chance for Snoopy
I was standing on top of a five foot tall berm of composting horse poop trying to decide if it had “cooked” enough to put in my raised...
Helen's Haven Admin
3 min read
Rescue Stories - Take a Chance (Part 2)
Chance survived his initial ordeal and was discharged from the hospital. He was in such a weakened state we did not want to put him in a...
Helen's Haven Admin
4 min read
Rescue Stories - Take a Chance (Part 1)
I stood staring at the small kitten on the table in front of me while I held the tube near his face. Oxygen was flowing, but he didn’t...
Helen's Haven Admin
3 min read
Rescue Stories: Pretty Paddy
Paddy started out as a neighborhood cat. No one knew where he came from, but he was a young adult, and pretty friendly, when he showed...
Helen's Haven Admin
4 min read
Rainbow Bridge Stories - Joey
Joey came into our lives from another rescue as a completely unrepentant feral cat: ears flat back, hissing, spitting, swatting. Joey was...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Rainbow Bridge Stories - Valarie
This is going to start out sounding like a sad post, but it really isn't. We unexpectedly said good-bye to a little brown tabby cat we...
Helen's Haven Admin
4 min read
Rescue Stories - Saving Sophie
Sophie’s mother, Lily, brought Sophie to my neighbor Bob’s house because Sophie was dying. Her mother had done all she could for her, but...
Helen's Haven Admin
3 min read
Beautiful Blaze
Sweet, mellow Blaze got a rough start in life and it took a lot of ups and downs before she got her happy ending. We persisted and so did...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Lola and Honey Find a Forever Home
This lovely lady is Lola, she turned up on the doorstep of one of our fosterers about 10 years ago. She was a little skinny, a little...
Helen's Haven Admin
4 min read
Meet Miss Moffett
Miss Moffett’s story started on one very unlucky night 8 years ago when she was hit by a car. She was tiny – about 4 months old – so it...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Rescue Stories - Heavenly Halo
The little black/white kitty glowering at the camera is Halo. Was Halo. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge June 2, 2015, but she still has a...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Rainbow Bridge Stories - Rocky
Six years ago today, we said goodbye to Rocky. A year earlier he had appeared as a sick feral cat in someone’s yard. She called a local...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Senior Spotlight - Princess Athena
Athena is a beautiful, long-haired black cat who came to Helen’s Haven later in life. She was the well-loved princess of a very caring...
Helen's Haven Admin
3 min read
Beloved Maggie
I post pictures of Maggie and refer to her often. Some of you knew her personally, but most did not. Maggie aka The Beautiful Maggie aka...
Helen's Haven Admin
3 min read
A Happy Ending for Zoey
Zoey had a sister, Molly, and a human mom who loved them very much. But, when they were in mid-life, their mom's circumstances changed,...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Senior Spotlight - Mellow Mia
This sweet girl was adopted out of a local shelter 13 years ago when she was a baby. The shelters (and rescues) hope they are going in to...
Helen's Haven Admin
5 min read
Rescue Stories - Kayla's Chance
Kayla was a little feral calico cat living in our neighborhood. Someone had trapped her and had her spayed - the little "v" notched into...
Helen's Haven Admin
2 min read
Kitten Season (Part 1)
We pulled Miss Kitty from a "shelter" that isn't so much a shelter as a holding area of cages for animals brought in by animal control....
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